Texas Online Insurance School
The TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience is a web based pre-license course that includes all the study material you could possibly need to prepare for (and pass) your Texas Life, Accident & Health, Property & Casualty and Investment License exams.
--Matt Williams CLU, ChFC, CFP®
Life, Accident, Disability & Sickness (Life & Health) | |
Texas Life & Health Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Texas Accident & Health Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Texas Life Insurance License Full Course--Virtual Learning Experience | $134 |
Simply because it is the best way to prepare for the Texas insurance exam, at our insurance school we strongly suggest you enroll in the full test prep course--Virtual Learning Experience. To accommodate those Texas insurance license candidates who only need part of the course, you may purchase prelicense study material/learning tools separately below.
The full course includes ALL of these learning tools.
Individual Learning Tools for the Texas Insurance License Exam | |
--Choose your course of study during checkout--
| |
Video Course | $79 |
Virtual Text Book | $49 |
Audio Course | $39 |
Virtual Flash Cards | $39 |
Quizzes and Exam Simulator | $39 |
Crossword Puzzles | $29 |
Mind Maps | $29 |
What our students have to say... |
Texas Insurance School Study Material for the Licensing Exam--Product Samples | ||
Texas Insurance Exam PreLicense Video Course |
Texas Insurance Exam Virtual Text Book |
Texas Insurance License Exam Audio Course |
Learning Games for the Texas Insurance Exam |
Mind Mapping Graphics--Texas Insurance Test Prep |
Online Texas Insurance Exam Flash Cards |
Texas Insurance Test Practice Questions & Exam Simulator |
Glossary of Insurance License Exam Terms |
Personal Coach--Texas Insurance Exam Expert |
EVERYTHING is included in our online Texas insurance license course, the TESTivity Virtual Learning Experience. |
The Texas Insurance Licensing Exam Virtual Learning Experience is AMAZING! This package includes EVERYTHING you need to pass the Texas insurance licensing exam!
- Interactive Video Course
- Virtual Textbook
- Audio Reinforcement
- Virtual Flash Cards
- TESTivity Mind Maps
- Interactive Crossword Puzzles
- Quizzes and Exam Simulator
Everything you need to know about how to get an insurance license in Texas...
- Who issues insurance licenses in the state of Texas? How do I contact them?
- How do I schedule my exam for the Texas Insurance License?
- What do I tell Pearson Vue when they ask which test I am taking?
- How do I apply for an insurance license in Texas?
- Where is the closest Pearson VUE Testing center to me?
- What ID is acceptable at the testing center?
- What are the requirements to get a Resident Texas Insurance License?
- Are there any exceptions to the pre-license exam requirement to Get an insurance license in Texas?
- If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Texas non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- Can I apply for a Non-Resident License on-line?
- Will Texas issue me a temporary insurance agent license?
- Will my Texas insurance license expire?
- How do I renew my Texas insurance license?
- What if my license has already expired?
- Are there any Continuing Education (CE) requirements to maintain/renew my Texas insurance license?
- Are there any exceptions to the CE requirement?
- Can all the CE hours be done either on line or through home study methods?
- How far back can I start using my C.E. credits?
- If I add a line of authority to an existing license, does it change my expiration date?
- Do I need to get fingerprinted to get a Texas insurance license?
- If I pass the pre-license exam am I guaranteed to get an insurance license?
- Can I find out if I will pass the background check before I take the exam?
- What can I expect at the testing center?
- What if English is my second language? Can I take the Texas insurance licensing exam in Spanish?
- On test day, should I get to the Pearson Vue test site early?
- I am not good with computers. Can I take the exam “old school” with pencil and paper?
- How long are test scores valid after passing the exam?
- After I submit my license application and test scores how can I verify the status of my license application?
- Does a person have to be licensed to receive a commission?
- Is an agency required to have continuing education?
- I heard the there are “experimental” questions on the test that do not count towards my final score...Is this true?
- Does a producer have to re-test or be fingerprinted if his license lapses?
- When will I know if I have passed the exam?
- What if I fail my exam?
- How long after I have a change of address must it be reported to the department?
- How can I go about changing the address on my license?
- How do I request a letter of certification?
- What if I fail my exam?
- How do I get a hard copy of my license?
- I am moving to Texas, how do I convert my existing insurance license (from another state) to a Texas resident producer’s license?
- What if it has been over 365 days since I moved to Texas and I have not converted my license?
- How do I get an appointment with an insurance company?
- If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Texas non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- I am a claims adjuster. What do I do if I want to adjust claims in Texas?
- Where can I get the forms referenced on this page?
Who issues insurance licenses in the state of Texas? How do I contact them?
Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). Their physical address is:
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714
Phone is 512-676-6000 | 1-800-578-4677 | FAX 512-490-1029
E-mail address: License@tdi.texas.gov.
Need a Map? Click Here.
The state of Texas has a coordinating agency that oversees the registration, certification, licensing, and regulation of individuals who aim to sell insurance or may be interested in adjusting property and casualty claims. This agency is called the Agent and Adjuster Licensing Office, with the acronym AAL. These people aforementioned include professionals with the descriptions of insurance sales agents, insurance agents, insurance adjusters, and similar job titles.
In addition to regulating trade of core insurance services and products, the AAL also regulates individuals who vend insurance related products. These products include, but are not limited to, self-service storage facilities, rental car companies, travel agencies, and retail establishments.
A comprehensive list of the responsibilities of the office include:
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How do I schedule my exam for the Texas Insurance License?
- First you should go to the website address: http://www.pearsonvue.com/tx/insurance
- You should create a new personal account, if you are using the web page for the first time. If you are not, you should provide login details to gain access to your account.
- While creating your personal account, you will be required to enter accurate information in all required fields on the form presented to you.
- On successful completion and submission, an ID and password will be generated for you. Ensure to keep them safe.
- To complete the rest of the reservation process, easy step-by-step instructions are provided to guide you.
- Legal Name
- Home Address
- Daytime Telephone Number
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Formal name(s) of the examination(s) to be taken
- Desired date of examination
- Preferred location of test center
There are two ways to schedule an exam: Online Reservations and Telephone Reservations.
Online Reservations
This method of scheduling an exam is the most efficient and convenient option available for exam candidates.
Candidates must make an online reservation at least one full day (24 hours) before their preferred examination date.
Telephone Reservations
To make telephone reservations, candidates are required to call (888) 754-7667. Prior to making the call, candidates should complie the following information:
Personal Information
Examination Information
A Pearson VUE representative is often on standby to provide detailed answers to candidate questions and assist candidates in making convenient choices of examination date and location. For all new reservations, details of the reservation are dependent on the next available date on the calendar.
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What do I tell Pearson Vue when they ask which test I am taking?
- InsTX-LAH05 -- General Lines - Life, Accident & Health (English)
- InsTX-LAH25 -- General Lines - Life, Accident & Health (Spanish)
- InsTC-PC06 -- General Lines - Property & Casualty (English)
- InsTC-PC26 -- General Lines - Property & Casualty (Spanish)
- InsTX-Life01 -- Life Agent (English)
- InsTX-Life21 -- Life Agent (Spanish)
- InsTX-PersPC55 -- Personal Lines Property & Casualty (English)
- InsTX-PersPC75 -- Personal Lines Property & Casualty (Spanish)
- InsTX-ALAdj16-- Adjuster - All Lines (English)
- InsTX-ALAdj36 -- Adjuster - All Lines (Spanish)
- InsTX-PCA81 -- Adjuster - Property & Casualty (English)
- InsTX-PCA11 -- Adjuster - Property & Casualty (Spanish)
- InsTX-WCAdj32 -- Adjuster - Workers Compensation (English)
- InsTX-WCAdj52 -- Adjuster - Workers Compensation (Spanish)
- InsTX-PbAdj17 -- Public Insurance Adjuster (English)
- InsTX-PbAdj37 -- Public Insurance Adjuster (Spanish)
As an insurance license candidate, YOU are responsible for knowing which examination you need to take. below is a list of the available Insurance Licensing Exams (and their codes) in Texas:
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How do I apply for an insurance license in Texas?
- Candidates should review the Candidate Handbook from Pearson VUE, (the tesing center in Texas). This robust material is provided by the insurance license testing center in Texas. It has all of the requisite information needed by interested individuals
- Initiate contact with Pearson VUE to schedule your exam (via phone or online)
- Report at the venue of the exam, the testing center, on the day and prior to the time of the examination
- Pass insurance pre-licensing exam; and
- Submit a Insurance License Application to the Texas Department of Insurance.
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Where is the closest Pearson Vue Testing center to me?
- Abilene area--500 Chestnut St, Ste. 856, Abilene, TX 79602
- Austin area (2 sites)
- Corpus Christi area--4646 Corona Drive, Ste. 175, Corona South Bldg., Corpus Christi, TX 78411
- Dallas area (2 sites)
- El Paso area--4110 Rio Bravo Street, Ste. 222, El Paso, TX 79902
- Fort Worth area--500 Grapevine Hwy., Ste. 401, Hurst, TX 76054-2707
- Harlingen area--222 East Van Buren, Ste. 610, Bank of America Bldg., Harlingen, TX 78550
- Houston area (4 sites)
- Lubbock area--1500 Broadway St, Wells Fargo Center, Ste. 1113, Lubbock, TX 79401
- Midland area--3300 North A Street, Bldg. 4, Ste. 228, Midland, TX 79705-5457
- San Antonio area (2 sites)
- Sugar Land--2245 Texas Drive, Ste. 190, Sugar Land Towne Center, Sugar Land, Texas 77478
- Tyler area--909 East Southeast Loop 323, One America Center, Ste. 625, Tyler, TX 75701
- Waco area--1105 Wooded Acres Dr, Wells Fargo Bank Bldg., Ste. 406, Waco, TX 76710
Below is a list of all Pearson VUE Testing Centers in Texas with a handy clickable map...Print it and take it with you. If you are even 1 minute late to the testing center you will forfieit your money anf fail the exam!
As far as which one is closest to you, how would we know?
Additionally, Pearson VUE has examination centers in many other state across the country. You can take the Texas Insurance License examination at any Pearson VUE location.
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What ID is acceptable at the testing center?
- State-Issued Identification Card (Cards issued by all states i, not necessarily Texas, are acceptable)
- State-Issued Driver’s License (Licenses issued by all states, not necessarily Texas, are acceptable)
- US Federal Government Issued Military Identification Card
- US Federal Government Issued Passport
- US Federal Government Issued Alien Registration Card
- Canadian Government Issued Identification Card
- Social Security card
- Credit card (It must be signed)
- US issued birth certificate appended with a raised seal
All prospects taking the Texas Insurance Licensing exam are required to carry out registration first. Each candidate must register with his or her LEGAL first and last name in the same form and arrangement as it appears on his or her government issued identification card or document. When reporting to the testing center on the day of the exam, candidates are required to have Two (2) forms of valid (non-expired) signature bearing identification 1 of which must be an acceptable government-issued identification card or document as listed below:
Primary Identification (with photo)--Choose One
NOTE: ID must contain candidate’s photo, be valid and unexpired.
Secondary Identification Cards/Documents These credentials do not necessarily have a photograph appended.--Choose One
Student ID and employee badges are not acceptable forms of identification.
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What are the requirements to be issued a resident Texas insurance license?
To be eligible to qualify for issuance of a resident Texas insurance license, you must satisfy the list of requirements below:
- Must be a resident of Texas
- Must possess a minimum age of 18
- Must have a valid Social Security Number
- Must schedule and pass any germane licensing examination within a period of 12 months. For more information, contact Pearson VUE .
- Must submit an application and make payment of all applicable licensing fees online at SIRCON or NIPR.
- All first-time applicants must have their fingerprints taken
- Must not be held to have perpetuated an act for which a license may be denied, as stipulated under §1.502 of 28 Texas Administrative Code and §4005.101 of the Texas Insurance Code.
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Are there any exemptions to the pre-license exam requirement to get an insurance license in Texas?
Yes. If you had a Texas insurance license that has been expired for less than one year ($25 late renewal fee applies); non-residents of reciprocal states; or a CLU designation for Life/Life & Health CPCU designation for Property & Casualty.
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If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Texas non-resident producer’s insurance license?
- No. Texas upholds reciprocity with other states: and so will issue a Texas non-resident producer’s insurance license to an individual or
organization holding a comparable license in their residential state. However, this arrangement is dependent on the following factors:
- The prospective candidate looking to avail of this arrangement must be licensed in good standing in his or her home state for all lines for which the candidate is applying
- The prospective candidate must prepare, submit an application, and pay appropriate licensing fees online at NIPR or SIRCON.
- Via TDI (Texas Department of Insurance)
- Via eNRL
- A duly completed Individual Application for Insurance License, (TDI Form FIN506) or the Uniform NIPR non-resident application;
- A letter of certification obtained from the department of insurance of their resident/home state. Alternatively, they could tender a printout of the National Producer Database (PDB) instead.
- An application fee
- Applicants must tender a FAST fingerprint receipt obtained from MorphoTrust USA as a show of proof that fingerprints have been submitted to the Texas Department of Public Safety
- Applicants must pass the appropriate Texas licensing examination (if necessary).
Application Process
Non-residents who possess a current license in good standing from their resident state and wish to obtain an insurance license in Texas by reciprocity may do so via two routes:
Applying to TDI
Non-residents who apply using this method are required to submit the following:
Applying Online (eNRL)
A more convenient method of application is to do so online. Online applications can be done on the electronic Non-Resident Licensing platform.
Regardless of the method of applying, non-residents who already possess a license that is current from their home state are not obligated to comply with the fingerprint requirement.
For non-resident applicants who do NOT possess a current license in good standing from their state of residence, they are required to adhere to the following instructions:
The Fingerprinting Requirements and Instructions document is available for all applicants to review carefully before proceeding with their applications. Carefully review the Fingerprinting Requirements and Instructions document before proceeding.
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Can I apply for a Texas Non-Resident License on-line?
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Will Texas issue me a temporary insurance agent license?
- The authorized appointing insurance company; or
- An executive officer a sponsoring agency; or
- The sponsoring individual agent.
Yes. Applicants may be issued a temporary (90 day) license before they pass the required licensing examination if their sponsoring company, agent or agency requests it and they are otherwise eligible. In Texas temporary licenses will not be renewed.
All Applications for temporary licenses in Texas must be done through DataStream Technologies. Applicants for temporary licensure in Texas must complete 40 hours of training provided by the appointing insurance company (as required by Texas Insurance Code, §4001.160). This training must be within 2 weeks (14 days) of the date of license application. The applicant will receive a permanent license when they pass the examination and are approved by the Texas Department of Insurance.
For all temporary licenses a Notice of Appointment is required at time of application from:
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Will my Texas insurance license expire?
- Each valid license will receive a single renewal notice from the Texas Department of Insurance. Thus, for licensees with multiple licenses, one renewal notice will be sent to each license type.
- Each license renewal notice will contain the expiration date of the license and renewal fees to be paid for renewed validity.
- For each new qualification obtained during the validity period, a pro rata fee will be appended to the cumulative renewal fee.
- For efficient license renewals, renewal notices received should be duly completed and returned to the TDI.
Yes. Insurance licenses do expire.
All individual licenses issued in Texas have a validity period of two (2) years. The validity period ends on the anniversary date of the license. That is, if the license was issued on the First of February 2015 (02/01/2015), the license will expire on its two years anniversary date, First of February 2017 (02/01/2017).
License Renewal Notice
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How do I renew my Texas insurance license?
Licenses may be renewed in the following ways:
- Online with a credit card at Texas.gov or SIRCON, or www.nipr.com; or
- By sending payment and the bottom section of the renewal notice to the address as noted on the renewal notice.
The Texas Insurance Department will send all producers a License Renewal Notice. This is a reminder that is sent once at about 85 days prior to the end of the validity period of the license, which is meant to inform you of the need to renew your license. The renewal notice is sent to the last known mailing address appended to your file at the Texas Department of Insurance.
Required continuing education (CE) must be completed prior to license renewal.
New Fingerprints are NOT required for license renewals.
The renewal fee in Texas is $50.
Electronic renewal is available until date of expiration through Texas.gov or SIRCON.
The renewal fee must be paid on or before the license expiration date in order to avoid a late fee.
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What if my license has already expired?
- You may renew your license using the aforementioned steps; similar to if you were to renew your license when it had not expired.
- Additionally, you would have to pay a late fee, which is equal to one-half of the renewal fee. That is, currently when the late fee is $50, the late fee is $25. Thus, total renewal fee payable within 90 days of expiration is $75.
- Submit a new license application to Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)
- You would have to pay the license fee
- You would also have to pay an additional fee equal to one-half of the license fee
Procedures to renew your license differ based on the amount of time that has elapsed before application for a renewal.
When the time elapsed is LESS THAN 90 DAYS
When the time elapsed is MORE THAN 90 DAYS but LESS THAN ONE YEAR
In this scenario, you are not permitted to renew your license. Rather, you would have to obtain a new license without sitting for the applicable examination. Below are the procedures to follow:
When the time elapsed is MORE THAN ONE YEAR
Licenses that have been expired for more than one year cannot be renewed. In this scenario, the only route of action is to obtain a new license. You may be required to take an examination as well.
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Are there any Continuing Education (CE) requirements to maintain/renew my Texas insurance license?
- Generally, during each two-year validity period, licensees are mandated to acquire thirty (30) hours of certified credit
- County Mutual Licenses, Holders of Limited Lines, and Life Insurance not exceeding $25,000 must acquire ten (10) hours of certified credit within each validity period
- It is obligatory for a licensee to complete at least half the total number of required credit hours in a classroom or classroom-equivalent setting
- It is obligatory for at least two (2) hours of the total number of required credit hours to be completed in ethics/consumer protection
- There are exemptions and extensions available for these requirements and can be accessed in the Texas Administrative Code, §19.1004
- Failure to complete the mandatory number of CE hours incurs an automatic fine. The automatic fine is at the tune of $50.00 for each credit hour not completed. For more information, refer to the 28 Texas Administrative Code §19.1016.
- All automatic fines incurred by a licensee must be settled by money order or check to the Texas Department of Insurance. All fines must be paid within 30 calendar days after the date on which the automatic fine was issued, unless the assessment of the automatic fine is disputed by the fined party.
Yes. Continuing Education requirements are necessary in the maintenance and renewal of each Texas Insurance License.
CE Requirements
Exemptions, Extensions, and Fines
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Are there any exceptions to the CE requirement?
- Military service
- Voluntary service for a period of term designated and can be attested for by the beneficiary of the voluntary services
- Other mitigating circumstance like long-term medical disability
- CPCU in addition to completion of the CPD program
- ChFC, CLU, and RFU in addition to completion of the PACE program
- ACSR, CFP, CIC, CRM, IRES, REBC, and SOFE (assuming completion of their respective CE requirements)
A licensee with Texas Insurance Licensure may be exempt from CE requirements necessary to renew a license if his or her license lapses due to the following reasons:
Texas insurance producers who possess and maintain certain designations are exempt from fulfilling CE requirements, as they are
deemed to have already met the requirements. These designations include:
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Can my continuing education hours be done on line or through home study...or is there a live classroom requirement?
In Texas, at least half of all total required CE hours must be completed in the classroom.
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How far back can I start using my CE credits?
For the Texas insurance license, a licensee may only start using CE credits acquired one day after the expiration or renewal date. From then on, all additional CE credits count towards the next renewal. In the occasion that a licensee renews the license prior to the expiration date, the licensee must wait until the present validity period ends before CE credits can be acquired for the next validity period.
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If I add a line of authority to an existing license, does it change my expiration date?
No. Adding a new line of authority does not imply adding a new license to your existing license. Rather, you are only modifying an existing license. Hence, the end of the validity period will not change.
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Do I need to get fingerprinted to get a Texas insurance license?
- License application type or TDI filing for which the fingerprints were captured and submitted
- Date on which the fingerprints were submitted to the TDI.
- Call (888) 467-2080 during weekdays (Monday to Friday) between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM Central Time
- Visit the website http://www.identogo.com to make online reservations
- Print and complete the FAST Fingerprint Card Scan Authorization Form. It is mandatory for all information requested on the form to be provided. Failure to provide requested information will result in the fingerprint card not being processed. After completing the form, an applicant is required to have his or her fingerprint captured by a criminal law enforcement agency. The capturing has to be on an original APPLICANT fingerprint card that contains the Texas Department of Insurance ORI TX920540Z. On the fingerprint card, all details requested must be provided. Additionally, the applicant and the official capturing the fingerprints must append their signature on the card. To acquire a blank fingerprint card from TDI to be used for capturing, you may either call the number (512) 676-6500 or send a request via email to license@tdi.texas.gov. It is important to note that all fingerprints MUST be taken by a law enforcement agency.
- Make check for $39.70 payable to “MorphoTrust USA.”
- Mail the completed Fingerprint Card Scan Authorization Form, original fingerprint card and check to: MorphoTrust USA Attn: Texas Card Scan 3051 Hollis Drive, Suite 310 Springfield, IL 62704
- An applicant after sending the mail should expect a FAST receipt from MorphoTrust, USA. Each applicant MUST attach the FAST receipt to the completed application, obtained after completing his or her license application. Both documents (the receipt and the application) are then mailed to DataStream Technologies.
Yes. As a compulsory requirement; all adjuster applicants, non-resident public insurance adjuster applicants, and Texas resident applicants; must have their fingerprints captured as part of the application process for the respective licenses.
Exceptions are made when the applicant has already had his or her fingerprints captured and have records of proof at the Texas Department of Insurance. This erstwhile fingerprints capturing has to be for another license or registration that remains active as at the time of submitting an application for the new insurance licensure.
Applicants may also claim exemptions from the fingerprint requirements on the basis of the regulation 28 TAC (Texas Administrative Code) §1.504(b). However, the regulation stipulates that applicants seeking exemptions must provide the following information:
Candidates may be fingerprinted in conjunction with an examination at Pearson VUE Centers. Before making an appointment to be fingerprinted, candidates must first print and complete the FAST Fingerprint Card Scan Authorization Form. You will need the information this infomation when making your fingerprint appointment.
Alternatively, candidates may have their fingerprints captured at MorphoTrust USA locations. The routine schedule of these locations are independent of Pearson VUE exam schedule. To make reservations at MorphoTrust, candidates may either:
Fingerprints submitted during the licensure application will be matched against the criminal history records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). These checks will be made in accordance with existing pertinent statutes. When an applicant is instructed to submit fingerprints, the TDI does not process the applicant’s application until the applicant’s criminal history reports have been obtained by the TDI from the FBI and the DPS.
Regardless of the venue at which the fingerprints are taken, the fingerprints of each candidate is transmitted electronically from the Pearson VUE test centers and MorphoTrust locations to the FBI and DPS for criminal history background checks. To cover the costs of running these checks, a mandatory fingerprint-processing fee of $39.70 is required.
When electronic fingerprinting is not available, use the following process.
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If I pass the Texas pre-license exam am I guaranteed to get an insurance license?
No, you are not. Muddling through the Texas pre-license exam and subsequently submitting an application is not a guarantee that an applicant will be issued a Texas Insurance License. The issuance of a license is in part dependent on the application questions asked pertaining to any civil or criminal proceedings in the past and/or at the time of filing the application, as it is dependent on a thorough review and approval of all license application materials. Thus, it is necessary that you read the application details diligently. It is maintained that failure to clearly disclose all criminal convictions and civil proceeding, pending charges, be it a felony or misdemeanor, may result in rejection of your application or a withdrawal of your license after it had being issued.
Any applicant who has had his or her application rejected will receive a notification in writing of the reason behind the rejection.
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Can I find out if I will pass the background check before I take the exam?
Currently, candidates are not permitted to submit a license application to be pre-screened before concluding the examination. Criminal history reviews will not be carried out by the Texas Department of Insurance before a license application is submitted. License applications may only be submitted by a candidate until he or she has successfully passed any required examinations.
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What can I expect at the testing center?
- Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination area with a calculator
- Before the examination commences, each candidate will be given a pencil and a piece of scratch paper. At the end of the examination, both items must be returned to the proctor.
- While candidates will be allowed to take with them purses of a small size—at about the size of a wallet—into the examination area, candidates will not be permitted to take purses that are larger with them to their seats
- Candidates are not allowed to bring in children, notes, books, backpacks, briefcases, pagers, mobile phones, or hats with them into the examination area. Additionally, examination centers do not have provisional space to cater for temporary storage of your items.
- Within the premise of the examination center, eating, drinking or smoking are prohibited
- Candidates may only leave the examination area after the examination has begun and they are seated on the instance that they want to use the restroom. Candidates must obtain due permission from the proctor before proceeding to use the restroom.
- Extra time will not be given to any candidate to conclude the examination
- A candidate will be mandated to stop the examination abruptly, subsequently surrender all examination materials, and be excused out of the examination area if:
- He or she is seen to be on the giving or receiving end of assistance
- He or she is found to be in possession of unauthorized materials
- He or she violates any security regulation
- Relevant documentation from the professional who diagnosed the disability
- Relevant credentials that qualify the professional to make the diagnosis
- A succinct description of accommodations received in the past
- Navigate to the link, http://www.pearsonvue.com/accommodations
- From the alphabetized list of sponsors select your sponsor of the test program
- Follow the detailed steps that are then described
The following security procedures apply during examinations:
All such instances will be communicated to the Texas Department of Insurance, and may lead to the implicated candidate being denied licensure.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Pearson VUE caters to candidates with disabilities in accordance with the provisions mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Accommodations are provided for candidates with disabilities so they are able to gain full access to the test. Accommodations are by no means a guarantee that candidates using them will show improved performance or test completion. Pearson VUE ensures that individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations are provided with suitable and rational accommodations. Accommodations provided for the examination may include:
Extra time to complete the examination A separate room to take the examination A recorder or reader: these devices are for individuals with mobility or vision impairments and are consequently unable to write or read by themselves
Requesting for Accommodation
Accommodations provided for the examination are personalized to each candidate who has need of them. Accordingly, considerations for providing accommodation proceed on a case-by-case basis. Each candidate with a disability who requests accommodation must make available relevant documentation of his or her condition. In addition, each candidate must detail how the disability he or she possesses is expected to influence his or her ability to take the test under standard conditions. Standard ways to supply this information include:
When requesting accommodations, candidates are advised to follow the steps below:
Additional questions relating to accommodations from candidates may be forwarded to the ADA Coordinator via the email accommodationspearsonvue@pearson.com.
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What if English is my second language? Can I take the Texas insurance licensing exam in Spanish?
- The English instructor of the ESL candidate
- Company sponsoring the ESL candidate.
- ESL candidates should expect notification via email from Pearson VUE if their request has been denied or approved
- ESL candidates must not make attempt to push through with making a reservation until they receive a notification of request approval from Pearson VUE
- The time extension given is 50% of the standard length of the examination. Therefore, the total length of the examination for ESL candidates with approved requests will be equal to 150% of the standard length of the examination. As an example, if the standard length of the examination is 2 hours, time extension given will be 1 hour. The resulting total length of the examination accounting for the extension will be 3 hours.
- Aside the provision of time extension, ESL candidates will not be liable to receive any other accommodations. All other forms of accommodation—reader, separate testing room, marker, etc.—are reserved for only candidates who are covered by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).
- Candidates who need more clarification or have enquiries about the ESL examinations should get in touch with the Special Examination Coordinator through the number (800) 466-0450
Provision in form of additional time during the licensing examination is available for candidates for whom English is a second language (ESL). ESL candidates may avail of this provision by making a request using an ESL Accommodations Request Form to Pearson VUE.
ESL candidates are required to obtain a letter from either of two recognized sources:
The letter must contain clear statements that attest to the fact that English is not the primary language of the candidate. This letter must be contained on the company’s official letterhead. The ESL candidate seeking the additional time provision may then send the completed request form and the letter of attestation to Pearson VUE.
Other Provision Details
Spanish Exams
In Texas, Spanish versions of the insurance license examination(s) are available. Candidates who would like to take an examination in Spanish should indicate this when they contact Pearson VUE when making a reservation.
You can also find a Spanish version of the Texas Insurance License Exam content outline(s) here:
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On test day, should I get to the Pearson VUE test site early?
On the day of your licensing examination, you should arrive at least 30 minutes early. The reasons for arriving early include, signing in and getting through the identification processes in time as well as becoming more acquainted with the examination process. Candidates who arrive late may not be permitted to take the examination, and may risk having to forfeit the registration fee for the examination.
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I am not good with computers. Can I take the exam “old school” with pencil and paper?
No. At this time, the Texas Insurance License examination can only be taken using computers at a testing center. Candidates who do not feel confident in their ability to use a computer for the examination need not be concerned. Taking the Pearson VUE examination using a computer is easy to do. Additionally, candidates need not have prior computer experience, knowledge, or typing skills. Throughout the duration of the examination, candidates will only have need of fewer keys than would be routinely used on a touch-tone telephone. To aid usability, all response keys are colored and are marked with prominent characters. Aside the keyboard, the other accessory that will be used in the examination is the mouse.
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How long are test scores valid after passing the Texas state insurance exam?
The validity period of test scores for candidates who pass the Texas Insurance pre-license exam is one year. Failure to use the test scores within the validity period will invalidate the test scores. Candidates must then retake the examination.
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After I submit my license application and test scores how can I verify the status of my license application?
You may use the link on the TDI website titled, " Search for Company/Agent." When your license has been processed it will appear there. The website is updated frequently throughout the day.
The Texas Department of Insurance also provides this cool page that will give you an idea of how backed up they are.
A license that has been approved can be printed from Sircon, using the ‘Print a license’ link.
The standard processing time range for the Texas insurance license application after the department has received all required information is 5-10 business days.
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Does a person have to be licensed to receive a commission?
- Be legally licensed for the type of policy sold
- Hold same lines of authority for the type of policy sold
Yes. For an individual to legally receive a portion of commission from the sale of insurance, he or she must:
However, any person or agency may receive payment of an override commission provided the person or agency does not solicit, negotiate, or sell insurance in Texas. Such payments can legally be received by non-licensees, unless the payment would amount to a commission rebate or an inducement.
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Is an insurance agency in Texas required to have continuing education?
No. Only individuals are required to complete continuing education for license renewals.
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I heard the there are “experimental” questions on the Texas insurance test administered by Pearson VUE that do not count towards my final score...Is this true?
Yes. Within the Examination Content Outline(s), care has been taken to expound on the standard type of examination questions that count towards a candidate’s test score. In addition to these standard questions, candidates are asked certain questions, numbering between 5 and 10. The time expended in answering these questions will not count against the examination time. Also, candidates will not receive scores for these questions. The premise for the use of these non-scored questions of the experimental type is that it helps in developing future licensing examinations. Pearson VUE does this in all 57 states, not just Texas.
Did you catch that?...57 states...that's an Obama joke!
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Do I have to re-test or be fingerprinted if my license lapses?
A Texas insurance producer reinstating a lapsed license within one year of the license expiration date must complete the required hours of CE and pay the reinstatement fee. The producer is not required to re-test or be fingerprinted during the one-year reinstatement period. After one year, the person will have to re-apply as a new license applicant, including passing any required examination and being fingerprinted for a criminal background check.
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When will I know if I have passed the exam?
Candidates would be notified of their score immediately they are through with the examination. Candidates are required to have a minimum score of 70% to pass the licensing examination. Candidates who pass, by scoring a minimum of 70%, will receive a successful score report. Candidates whose scores fall below the 70% pass mark will receive a diagnostic report detailing the copious strengths and weaknesses. These details are shown on the score report and are indicated by examination type.
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What if I fail my exam?
If you are scoring over 85% on the TESTivity exam simulator, there is no way you will fail the Texas state exam! If a candidate does fail an exam, (obviously somebody who did not take our course!) they must re-register and pay the fee to Pearson Vue again.
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How long after I have a change of address must it be reported to the department?
- Licensee’s Residential Address
- Licensee’s Primary Business Address
- Licensee’s Mailing Address
A licensee, who has recently made a move from the address appended in his or her prior Texas insurance license application, must communicate the change to the Texas Department of Insurance. This change must be communicated to the TDI in writing and must be communicated within 30 days following completion of the move. Failure to comply with this guideline may result in disciplinary action being imposed on the faulted licensee.
A licensee who has made a recent move must in his or her notification to the TDI include the following information:
Post office boxes are not accepted as valid residential and/or business addresses.
Simply fill out the Name/Address Change Form and send it in to TDI. You can also fax your change request to them at (512) 490-1029.
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How do I change the address on my license?
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How do I request a letter of certification?
There are two ways to get a letter of certification.
Request and print a TDI letter of certification on-line through Sircon Corporation. An $11 Texas state fee, plus vendor’s convenience fee applies.
Complete, print, and mail the Request for Letter of Certification (TDI Form FIN530) , with the $11 state fee to the address on the form.
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Will the Texas Deparrtment of insurance provide me with a hard copy of my license?
- If you obtain a ProducerEDGE account at no cost, there is no fee for printing your license from your ProducerEDGE account. Refer to www.sircon.com/Texas for information on how to obtain a ProducerEDGE account.
Licensees are now eligible to print a copy of their license from the Internet. Licensees can print a copy of their license through www.sircon.com/Texas. Each licensee is required to provide his or her license number before he or she can print his or her license.
Effective March 1, 2015, Physical licenses will no longer be sent to new Texas insurance licensees.
If your application was submitted through NIPR, or submitted via paper, there are two ways to print your license:
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I am moving from another state to Texas, how do I convert my existing insurance license to a Texas resident producer’s license?
Submit a signed and dated address change request, BEFORE the license expiration date, to:
MC 107-1A PO Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104
or fax it to 512-490-1029
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What if it has been over 365 days since I moved to Texas and I have not converted my license?
You must take and pass the licensing exam(s) and apply as a first time applicant.
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How do I get an appointment with an insurance company?
Licensees who have successfully obtained their Texas Insurance License would need to be affiliated with an agency or insurer so they can handle insurance transactions on behalf of the agency or insurer. For proper appointment as a designee or producer, licensees are encouraged to contact an employing agency or insurance company.
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If I am licensed in another state do I have to take an exam to get a Texas non-resident producer’s insurance license?
No. Texas generally has reciprocity with other states. Provided that your application and fees have been properly submitted to TDI, and your license in your home state is in good standing, Texas will issue a non-resident license to an individual or organization holding the same license in their resident state.
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I am a claims adjuster (licensed in a state other than Texas). What do I do if I want to adjust claims in Texas?
Non-resident claims adjusters who possess valid licenses from their resident states may apply for a license in Texas by reciprocity. Claims adjusters in this category are not mandated to adhere to the TDI fingerprint requirement. These non-residents may apply to TDI by submitting:
- a completed, Licensing - Individual Application for Insurance License, (TDI Form FIN506);
- an application fee; and
- Submit a letter of certification obtained from the state of residence, or
- Submit a letter of attestation from your state of residence (home state) clearly stating that they are the designated home state for your claims adjuster license
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In my home state, I am not required to obtain a license to adjust claims as a claims adjuster: What am I to do if I want to be a claims adjuster in Texas?
Currently, some states do not require claims adjusters to obtain a license. A claims adjuster from any such state may obtain a Texas claims adjuster license if he or she wants to adjust claims legally in Texas.
Claims adjusters in this situation must in the process of obtaining a Texas adjuster license adhere to all the Texas resident license requirements and thereafter designate Texas as the home state for the claims adjuster license to be obtained.
Designating Texas as the resident state for non-resident claims adjusters will require such adjusters to comply with the CE (continuing education) requirements as delineated in 28 TAC §19.1001- 19.1020 AND TIC §4101.
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Where can I get the forms referenced on this page?
Most things are done online through Sircon or NIPR, but some things are either handy or required to have in hard copy. Below are some important forms (downloadable and printable) related to the insurance licensing process in Texas.
Texas Insurance Licensing Forms --Downloadable and printable .pdf document will open in seperate window-- | |
Candidate Handbook | Content Outlines - English |
Electronic Fingerprint Process | Content Outlines - Spanish |
Name/Address Change Form | ESL Accommodations Request Form |
Insurance License Application | FAST Fingerprint Pass |
Letter of Certification Request Form |
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